在成为社会新鲜人的一份子一个月后, 我25了。
星期一至五早上0730出门上班,1800下班(或许更迟 =.= ),巴士 + LRT + Touch and GO,LRT 内人挤人屁股贴屁股我的背贴不知名人士的胸膛,渐渐地我被迫适应了这种生活。
从一无所知,到半桶水, 我还在努力让自己变成一桶水, 努力学习当中。
这样的生活时间可以过得比较快,比较充实, 我是快乐的,我想。只是,那一天, 我不快乐了。
你不会懂, 你不会知道。 你没有错,真的。 错的是我,我错在太在乎了。我太在乎,因为那个人是你呵,一个我很在乎的朋友。
可能我的要求对你来说太奢侈了吗?我问自己。还是, 我本来就不该期望些什么,我应该若无其事,静静就好,来个温柔的抗议,而不是对你把话说开了。到最后,投降的是我道歉也是我,因为我累了,也后悔了。
我很遗憾我成了你所谓的那种女孩了。知道后,我都不知道可以说些什么了。我只知道, 我失望,我介意, 我伤心, 为了你那句话。
-我的悲伤是如此低调 傻子才会哭闹 就算你发现也好 我想你一定会选择 假装不知道 只怕我自己的掩饰不够好 -
Saturday, October 17, 2009
- 低调 -
Posted by 苯驴子 at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
- I love you, I miss you -
it was abit late but i fall in love with you at first sight.
I just love to see your smile .
I start to shopped for you too.
I'm waiting for the times come, you'll held my hand and we go for a walk together.
I felt excited when i saw you were happy to see me again &
I know you always remember me even though we are far from distance.
I felt warm when i saw you climb up my body just to give me your kiss &
you hold my hand + pinch my face..
In return, I gave you a big hug & and you laughed
You are the one who i kissed the most...
You make me laugh, you truly melt my heart
I want to hug you
I miss you deeply, I don't know why.
I love you, my dear..
* my dear niece, baby girl J.C Liu*
- When will i see you again? T.T -
Posted by 苯驴子 at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
- 快疯了 -
就在要回来KL的那一天早上,无意中被我听见爸妈说让我一个人生活会让他们担心,说我回去后他们会不习惯, 外甥女也会想念我了。妈说想开口对我说叫我留在怡保工作算了,又怕会耽误我毕竟怡保的发展不如KL的蓬勃结果还是没有亲口对我说。听到这里,我的眼泪就流下了。
才回来的第一个晚上,我就一夜无眠,后来是故意把自己弄得很累才让自己睡下去。才一下子的,又醒了, 头很痛没睡好过。吃了头痛药一个人浑浑噩噩上网看着jobstreet掉眼泪,看到家人的照片掉眼泪, 想起家人的话眼泪也在掉。我以为自己不是眼浅的人,结果我还是被孤单和烦恼打败了,眼泪拼命在掉,哭到眼睛肿掉,丑死了。
我又彷惶了,这一次站在十字路口,怡保 和 KL,我该往那里走?Stay or Leave?
Posted by 苯驴子 at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
- Half year gone -
0601, this should be the date for me to start my working life , but....a phrase kills everything.
Everything seems so good and fine for the second offer, good salary package + medical benefit ,but i'm the only one who is not fine with the job, how damn.=.=
Suddenly i had just reliased half year has just gone & there's nothing good happen and i have nothing, nothing i have .
- I feel sorry again & again... -
Posted by 苯驴子 at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
- 出生日期所隐藏的秘密 birthdate secret -
看到这个,就转帖过来了, 有些朋友的生日分析还蛮准的,可是其他的准不准就见人见智咯~
1号 富有独立精神的野心家。因为包容心强又喜欢照顾别人,身边会围绕许多仰慕者。
2号 性格温柔,喜爱和平,是个感情丰富的浪漫主义者。缺点是容易为一点小事就受伤害。
3号 洋溢艺术天分,虽然性情令人捉摸不定,但是基本上还是属於受欢迎的一型。
4号 严谨认真,凡事都会脚踏实地努力耕耘。不过自我意识颇强烈,不善於和他人协调。
5号 脑筋动得很快,拥有适应变化的能力。喜欢追求刺激,较难安於现状。
6号 个性温和而且稳重。最大的特色就是不论对任何人,都可以表现得既亲切又宽大。
7号 感受力敏锐,非常懂得察言观色。不过缺乏和周围协调的能力,注意不要变得太自我中心
8号 一旦下定决心,便充满干劲全力以赴。这种个性的人朋友多,敌人也多。
9号 善解人意,又富有博爱精神。容易感情用事,也容易受到环境左右。
10号 意志力坚强,不服输,独立心也十分旺盛。需注意不要流於莽撞行事。
11号 性格浪漫又多愁善感,是个肯努力的理想主义者,能够尽情享受丰富的人生。
12号 具有华丽高贵的气质,对各种事物都抱有兴趣,常识丰富,教养良好。
13号 个性冷静谨慎,即使再细微的细节也能注意到。再加上本性诚实,能得到许多人的信赖。
14号 头脑清楚,好奇心旺盛,乐於追求快感,又行事冲动;不可思议的是运气总是很好,很少失败。
15号 意志力很强,立定目标後无论遇上任何挫折,都会排除万难达成。通常都很喜欢照顾别人。
16号 聪明□做事情有条理,不轻易受别人影响,做什麽都有自己的一套。
17号 平常看起来温和体贴,其实主观很强,有时候会出现大胆行动,让身边的人大吃一惊。
18号 性格非常极端,不是意志坚定勇往直前;就是感情用事随波逐流。
19号 想像力丰富,有个性又有才华。不过自尊心很强,而且有好强不服输的倾向。
20号 是个性喜和平的浪漫主义者 。运气虽然不错,但如太过任性,将会遇上意想不到的挫折。
21号 开朗快活,充满活力,到哪里都很有人气。是凡事都往好处想的乐天主义者。
22号 认真而且责任感很强,只要不刚愎自用,做生意成功的机率很大。
23号 挑战心旺盛,学什麽都能很快上手。问题是喜新厌旧,而且欠缺耐性。
24号 拥有敦厚慈爱的人品,所以即使个性神经质,遇到低潮时,身边的人都愿意伸出援手。
25号 看事情不求深入,随著好奇心行动,到处累积经验。个性独立。热爱自由。
26号 耐压力特强,即使肩头责任重大,也能够处理得稳稳当当,是个实行主义者。
27号 有个性□感情也丰富。拥有应付各种状况的机智,若能掌握时机,成为成功人士的机会很大。
28号 韧性很强,拥有战胜困难的力量。这天出生的女性,常给人一种妖□的印象。
29号 人生的道路似乎波折不断,容易感情用事不过运气和生命力都很强,必定能够成功,获得幸福。
30号 拥有语言文笔艺术等天分。 缺点是容易沈浸於逸乐,而缺乏责任感。
31号 诚实认真很清楚自己的人生目标,能依照自己的信念和原则过一辈子。但个性有些顽固。
- 心 很平静地跳 只是寂寞 潜伏像海啸 突然某一秒 偷袭我眼角
眼泪自己擦掉 我一个人很好-
Posted by 苯驴子 at 12:09 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
- cake memories -
All my sweet and bitter memories here come back clearly to me when I stepped on Kampar again. Needless to say, I miss Kampar as I had great time with friends in this lovely place :) Unconsciously, I left Kampar 2 years since after i done with my diploma,time fliessss huh..and i'm getting old and old here =.=
- our moments my memories, forever -
* Wish you all the best *
Posted by 苯驴子 at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
- suiiiiiiii -
suiiiiii~my last weekend was the "sui" one, sibeh kao lat sui looo =.=
2nd sui : No access to network,this is what did appeared on my hp screen . So bad, my SIM card has damaged suddenly with no reason and it had tooks me few days to replace a new one. Thus , it made me lost 20 important and memorable save messages. Very very very geksummmmmmm... *Arghhhhh*
3rd sui : Followed by my hp battery, also went siao like the stupid SIM card.Fully charged yesterday night, No touch No music listen No SMS battery can almost went finish after a day. Don't know what the hell happen. * Arghhhh*
4th sui : After my hp battery , my earphone also went siao together, can only listen music with left side.......No choice, replaced a new one lo..*Arghhhh*
Posted by 苯驴子 at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
- 快乐周末 nice weekend -
我们依旧相聚在老地方,ebox,Ipoh。突然发现原来我们都没什么新意,哈哈,还是应该说我们很长情?我们去的那天刚好是正值装修,所以discount 20%,赚到了~可是啊可是,便宜通常都没什么好处的呐。。唱着唱着,我们大伙儿发现了有个不知名物体在电视机前游街!
Posted by 苯驴子 at 3:22 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
- 020509 , Music - Man live in Malaysia -
Next --> Fish leong's concert on 613!!I wish to go, it must be a happening one. BUT...
NO KAKI , NO Vitamin M $$$$$$!!! So....
Just forget about it loooo.File Closed =.=
- 你微笑就输了疲倦 千万不要说天长地久 免得你觉得我不切实际
想多么简单就多么简单 让我大声的对你说 I'm thinking of you - from *Leehom*-
Posted by 苯驴子 at 3:02 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
- padan muka i -
我爱喝咖啡,奶茶类,偏不是很爱喝水。一天喝的水--> 少得可怜。(因为懒?)
因为懒(or 省钱? =.=),所以饼干和方便面都会是我的选择,一个人随便一餐,也是一餐。
我爱劝朋友看医生,但我本人就相当排斥看医生,病了服几下成药就可以好了,弄伤了贴绷带就得了。除非你绑架我去看医生,要不然要我自己去,相当难。(除非要偷懒拿leave or 真的很严重我还是会去看啦,我还没想早死)
为了方便,我时常任由我那个辐射超强的笨电话SE model w880i放在身边,迟早中cancer.
我看,酱下去我很快就完了。偏偏我又是很难改变的人,除非有人够影响力+ 有能耐能改变我一下,呵呵。
Posted by 苯驴子 at 4:06 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
- my holiday -
After have been feeling blue and down for almost a week , again I brought myself escape from KL and go where i want to go --> back to Ipoh for holiday again, while waiting for call up to attend any job interview.
Well...so what i did at my home sweet home Ipoh last week?Basically,I just do what i wanna do :)
2. I eat --> Ate mum cooked food, ipoh chee cheong fun with mushroom sauce , laksa with yong taufu & yong liu, fried "sau mee",hakka luicha, mum home made soup..more and more...yummy~
3. I cooked --> chicken porridge. Not bad the taste, i guess... at least no stomach effect 1st.LOL
4. I watched --> few drama
i) Singapore drama - The little nyonya(nice show but bad ending =.=)
ii) Korean drama - Every night(the supporting actor looks handsome)*shy*
iii) TVB drama - When Easterly Showers Fall On The Sunny West ( now only i finished watching this drama (i don't like Steven Ma Tuk Chung=.=)
iv) TVB shows - On the road 2 ( nice travel series deals mainly with philosophical and life issues...made me did some self - questioning too)
5. I played --> with my lil cute niece's.Hug her , kiss her...muacks muacks :*
6. I shopped --> with my sister.Bought a sandal with 50% discount...hehehe.
7. I renewed my driving licience finally, after abandoned it and expired for few months. *i didn't drive quite a long long long time already *paiseh*
My life at Ipoh just simple but made me feel good. Even...make myself sorted out and has thought it through after blamed myself for some matters and thought about the past. Yea..what's happened has already happened and i can't turn back the time. Maybe it's not as worst as i thought and could have better change in future, who knows?Worst? then make it better,nobody is perfect what... It's no big deal , not to die also, what for still wasting time and think about the past? stupid me =.= However,I'm not to say let go everything in short time, but things put aside at the corner for temporary.Time will be the best remedy and everything can get over.Or maybe..i should accept, it's fate and life still goes on :)
Here i am back again ...back to the hell KL and came back with lil motivation--> get a job and work for better living for myself and my lovely family members, give whatever i may afford to give to my dear lil cute niece.OMG, i fall for her deeply, miss her alot ...I miss her screams, her naughty, her very devils cried, and her smiles...
Awaiting for back Ipoh again ...
- 一个人不会懂另一个人,懂了,就不会寂寞了-
Posted by 苯驴子 at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
- 生日快乐, happy birthday to you -
没有亲口对你说,想说要以文字传送我的祝福给你。结果是, 发送失败,你应该又在忙了吧。
- 放手 我的牵挂 找不到尽头 放手 期望你幸福甚麽都有
也许 爱很深厚 然而我早看得透 放手 至可拥有-
Posted by 苯驴子 at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
- Personality test -
deng..deng...deng ...deng ~
Here is the analysis:
According to your answers; if you are not kidding, you are too complicated. Sorry, we are unable to offer the analysis. Press Back button on you browser, check ONE question that you were not completely sure and try again with a different answer that you think it would be correct.wth!!! hahahaha.... XD
* wondered of am i that complicated*
Posted by 苯驴子 at 12:36 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
- Deadline -
Will i be extended the deadline?
Let go and let it be...
sounds so easy, but hard to do so .
Posted by 苯驴子 at 12:46 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
- my queen -
反正无聊还是无聊,工作也还没敲上门来, 偶就做我爱做的事,泡戏是也。这次,泡的是台剧,败犬女王。
男的帅,女的有气质, 对白有趣,虽说剧情和某些剧集的剧情有点相似,但还值得一看呵。
这是一个熟女的爱情,她爱过也痛过。女的太久没有过的爱情突然就像洪水一样,一发不可收拾,所以才会对这个男人有了心疼和关心,却倔强的不肯告诉他,也不肯承认她爱他,只因为他们那8岁的年龄差 距。8岁,不小的数目呵。
女人不管工作中多强势都好,终究就是一个女人(除非你从没把自己当做女人),渴望的无非是一个温暖的怀抱,一个爱你的你爱的男人。爱上了,管你是谁, 什么都可以不在乎。
Posted by 苯驴子 at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
- Hair loss T.T -
I can't really remember, maybe 2 weeks, I have experienced a lot of hair loss.In the shower every day hairs fall out in huge amounts , my pillow sticked with my hairs too, and i could see my hair fall out everywhere inside my room. Thus, my duties now is "kutip" hairs inside my room, everyday. swt =.=
Feel so worst when seeing this happend.I felt like did not want to comb my hair, as i don't wish to see my hair fall out again and again. Even though it's not noticeable ( my hair quite thick huh..), but i'm quite worry too, wonder what this is attributable to ... maybe it's because of i eat too much of instant mee and drink too much of coffee ?i wondering =.=
I don't wish to see my hair become so thin la ..i don't want la i don't want la i don't want la~ cry T.T
Posted by 苯驴子 at 5:35 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
- Goodbye -
My advanced diploma was officially end after the final paper, if no resit =.= * Praying*
AD done, means its time to move! It's abit late for me to say goodbye here, as i was thinking of my "goodbye " will only "official" on the day i move everything out from 128-5-4, sri pelangi. Here i 'm now moved in to another place , started my new life here and i guess i need to take some times to suit with new place and new housemates...duhhhh...
From L2M - Goodbye
Really, this song speak for me , with no restraint T.T
Goodbye everything in 128-5-4, memories will forever kept in my mind and lastly...
All the best to you all in future , fly high and get all what you desires :)
Good luck to you and me!
Posted by 苯驴子 at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
- Life is a matter of choice -
February , is a headache month for me, filling with searching , searching and searching...
I sticked with my stupid + lousy + heavy PC all day along since i came back KL from my lovely hometown. Sit in front of my monitor, draws my eyes up and down, click here and there , almost drive me crazy T.T My brain now just filled with house notices and job street notices , and it always make me in dilemma, as it all about the choice huh...
Posted by 苯驴子 at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
- Can i have a bite?-
You looks so nice, so cute lil , trendy and so yummy...
*I 'm In love with you*
Posted by 苯驴子 at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
- Previous taggie - answers changed -
I did this taggie in my previous blog. This is the 1st taggie that i've done and now i feel like want to repost here as i make some amendment for some of my answer. What to do, women likes to change, heard before?LOL
[01] Name: Jane Tong Wei Chean
[02] Nickname: arJane , arTong , ahJean,waijean,jeanjean
[03] Married: single
[04] Zodiac Sign: Justice Libra
[05] Gender: of course…female
[06] Age: 24 ++ aiksss
[07] High School: SMJK Ave Maria Convent Ipoh
[08] College: Tunku Abdul Rahman College
[09] Height: about 160cm
[10] Weight: It's a sad number to me :(
[11] Do you like yourself: when I’m happy, ya
[12] Piercings: 2 , since age 10
[13] Right or left: Right
[14] Are you a freak: for somebody, yes I am, maybe:P
[15] Hair: superb black and long straight hair
[16] Skin: Don’t have very good skin,oily.
[17] Allergic: Snake ( so gerli~) and yam
[18] What are you doing now: surf net
[19] What will you do 1 hour later: going to sleep and meet mr.chow.
[20] What will you do 10 years later: work like a cow
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: No, unless I back ipoh
[22] Siblings (included you): Sister, brother , me
[23] Eldest: my lovely sister
[24] Youngest: Me, yeah
[25] Love/hate your family: LOVE til DIE
[26] You found your another half: No, nobody want
[27] If yes, who is he/she: haiz…
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: him lo
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: ½ times
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): yes
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): maybe yes, maybe no
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: no guah
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: hmm…
[34] Ever argue with your other half: of course .
[35] You with your other half since: still nobody take la ok :(
[36] Are you straight/lesbo: very and definitely Straight
[37] Reasons you love your other half: No reason , feelings and intuitions
[38] You and your other half in which stage: nothing at all
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: -
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: not dare to think
[41] Your first best friend: syee mun
[42] Your first enemy: can't remember
[43] The friend you love the most: love everyone
[44] The enemy you hate the most (1 only): who?
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: HER la...
[46] Your most handsome guy friend: HIM la…
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: super big liar
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: not gentlemen, not single minded
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: No
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: No
[51] If your friend backstabs you: very hurt
[52] If your friend betray you: disappointed,very Hurt
[53] If your friend woo your lover: say goodbye to my lover and friend :p
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: if I like him too, why not just have a try.
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend:Be there for him la.
[56] Are you a good student: of course not...muahaha
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: sure, will only get done in last minutes:P
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: Dr.cheah?
[59] Always late to school/college: no bus mah late lo
[60] Your class: APR2b2
[61] You love your seniors: siapa dia orang?
[62] Senior who you love the most: huh?
[63] Your classmates good/bad: good
[64] Excellent result classmate: top student
[65] Laziest classmate: still thinking of…is who
[66] Smart people: brilliant?
[67] Stupid people: me huh?
[68] Good looking people: easy to get attention.
[69] Ugly people: Used to be neglected .
[70] Funny people: I like people who can make me laugh :)
[71] Cute people:Can i have a bite?lol
[72] Bad people: get away from me and my friends please
[73] Honest people: I love honest
[74] Acting people:Good pretender
[75] You are what kind of people: Sentimental, hesitate, considerate, sometimes can be so funny, but also can be so speechless.
[76] Lip or eyes: lips…my eyes so small :(
[77] Hugs or kisses: Hugs...feel so warm
[78] Shorter or taller: Taller
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Spontaneous
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach, eat is happiness
[81] Listener or talker: can be good listener, also can be good talker too, depends.
[82] Romantic or rich: both, can?
[83] Good husband or Good Father: good husband. Generally good husband can be good father …hope so..haha
[84] Age to get marry: can’t predict. Hopefully before 30
[85] Numbers of kid(s): 2 or 3
[86] Career: Good employment and hopefully it’s what I want
[87] Salary: good money and better living
[88] Retirement age: Government said 55 …i wish can be earlier
[89] Properties value: old gu po house?
[90] Wishes: many many wish…am I greedy? Hehehe
Posted by 苯驴子 at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
- 懒人 -
肚子饿的时候, pergi cari instant mee...
再不然, pergi cari roti...
口渴想要来杯什么, pergi korek nescafe...
口痒的时候, pergi cari biscuit...
- The future is called "perhaps," which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the only important thing is not to allow that to scare you.- Tennessee Williams, Orpheus Descending, 1957
Posted by 苯驴子 at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
- Cried -
Today i cried.
I cry over a song , cried like a shit.I just don't know why my tears were dropped suddenly when i listened to the song by Rainie Yang.Funny?
带我走 到遥远的以后
Take me away to the far future
带走我 一个人自转的寂寞
To take away my self rotation of the loneliness
带我走 就算我的爱 你的自由
Take me away even my love your freedom
will become bubble
我不怕 带我走
I'm not afraid Take me away
(stupid translation, don't laugh at me ok?)
I cried so long and so hard, I don't even know what I cried about.I cried all of my tears and felt like shit. I feel like I'm left alone, speaking to myself. I'm lost.
Maybe i'm tired of something, maybe I cried because I care. Maybe the song was poisoning me...maybe just to release , maybe i need a shoulder, or maybe... and maybe... i don't know.
How i wish ...there'll be someone to take me away...to the far future and show me the direction...
- 我没有你想像中那么坚强 我只是擅长用微笑去伪装 不是吗
我没有你形容的那么勇敢 我偶尔也会慌 -
Posted by 苯驴子 at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
- Valentine -
I received a valentine MMS from my lovely "bf" --> si Hotlink at mid of January, right before Chinese new year.Here is the picture:
What a lovely heart in red!Need no to inform me Valentine is coming so so so early like that ...Person like me still single and nobody want , Valentine is just non of my business...left only bitter heart :(
okok, let me plan for my Valentine this year...
1st --> Go to 7-11 buy a chocolate for myself
2nd --> Lay on sofa
3rd --> Listen to songs
4th --> Sleep.. ZZZZzzzzzz
Sound so lame! Can i have something different?Maybe a bouquet, movie, dinner, surprise, an eeyore.....
STOP DREAMING DONKEY!!! it will never happen, at least not now ... hahaha
Happy Valentine to you . Be treasure and appreciate :)
~ 爱没年期时限 一天可以恋一生的爱 ~ Be my valentine - Leo Ku
Posted by 苯驴子 at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
- 永远 forever -
合与分只是一瞬间的事,一句我不爱你了就可以把从前的一切一切给切掉。甜言蜜语给忘掉,照片删掉, 说过的誓言更抛到大西洋去。剩下什么?只有讽刺。
是的, 我会永远爱你。说出口的永远,到底有多远?
我 ,不敢相信永远。
Posted by 苯驴子 at 10:06 PM 0 comments
10 ways to "play" with eeyore
Pity eeyore...
Posted by 苯驴子 at 1:02 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
- Excellent thoughts -
I received a forward mail from a friend. Feel like to share this out here , which i think it's good to remember through our whole life :)
Life still goes on and we were motivated to move on...
Posted by 苯驴子 at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
- What i did in this Chinese New Year -
快呵,农历新年就快结束了。这个农历新年没什么特别,我还是这样过。红包,柑,糕饼,肉干,电视, 少不了。
唯一和往年不同的是, 我家多了个小人儿,我的外甥女,我爱死她了。。。
少不了一年一度的CNY activity, 回金马仑拜年,拜见奶奶和叔伯兄弟, 闲话家长。在那里就只是吃阿吃,看下电视,给人审问下近况,就酱。唯一做的运动就是两家屋子两边跑。幸好,距离不远,可晚上走在路上冷风迎面吹来,冷个要命。
- A coincidence is a small miracle-
Posted by 苯驴子 at 11:02 PM 0 comments