我们依旧相聚在老地方,ebox,Ipoh。突然发现原来我们都没什么新意,哈哈,还是应该说我们很长情?我们去的那天刚好是正值装修,所以discount 20%,赚到了~可是啊可是,便宜通常都没什么好处的呐。。唱着唱着,我们大伙儿发现了有个不知名物体在电视机前游街!
alamak!!!!! is siu keong!!!
~Happy Birthday to my dear PeiLeng & WaiCher~
友人的一句话提醒了我一个事实,大家都老了呵,明年过年大家就是26了。我的妈呀,日子怎么过得这么快,我的青春小鸟一去不回来~我什么都还没有起步,酱一下子就老了,怎么办?... T.T还好还好,老了还是有多年的朋友陪伴呵,有你们是我最觉得庆幸的事。要笑大家一起笑,要哭大家一起哭,要老大家一起老!
- October babies Jess1016,Mun1014,Jane1012 & baby eeyore gathered in room after Leehom concert -
see my fat leg not?y post this...haha..however a nice and great meet, worry i wil addicted to back kl to meet u next time...
perhps a trip down to png?
hmm.. dun really hv any clue.. but you should call me next time when u need help getting rid of siu keong! coz i am.. *Ta~ Daa~* siukeong hunter! i like smashing it with newspaper\sandal til it appear like a piece of paper then flush it into toilet bowl.. muahahaaa~!
Dear woo: U're most welcome back to KL and meet me again, my room is always open for you :P I wish to go penang too, let's plan for it,and make this plan on if possible.
ps: my eeyore looks like macam almost tercekik mati under ur hand liao.hahaha.
Dear C.Fui@ siukeong hunter : smash siukeong til it appear like a piece of paper?omg...gerli lah u~ ok la,will call u help me catch siukeong next time,hahaha:P
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