Wednesday, May 20, 2009

- 出生日期所隐藏的秘密 birthdate secret -

看到这个,就转帖过来了, 有些朋友的生日分析还蛮准的,可是其他的准不准就见人见智咯~

2号 性格温柔,喜爱和平,是个感情丰富的浪漫主义者。缺点是容易为一点小事就受伤害。
3号 洋溢艺术天分,虽然性情令人捉摸不定,但是基本上还是属於受欢迎的一型。
4号 严谨认真,凡事都会脚踏实地努力耕耘。不过自我意识颇强烈,不善於和他人协调。
5号 脑筋动得很快,拥有适应变化的能力。喜欢追求刺激,较难安於现状。
6号 个性温和而且稳重。最大的特色就是不论对任何人,都可以表现得既亲切又宽大。
7号 感受力敏锐,非常懂得察言观色。不过缺乏和周围协调的能力,注意不要变得太自我中心
8号 一旦下定决心,便充满干劲全力以赴。这种个性的人朋友多,敌人也多。
9号 善解人意,又富有博爱精神。容易感情用事,也容易受到环境左右。
10号 意志力坚强,不服输,独立心也十分旺盛。需注意不要流於莽撞行事。
11号 性格浪漫又多愁善感,是个肯努力的理想主义者,能够尽情享受丰富的人生。
12号 具有华丽高贵的气质,对各种事物都抱有兴趣,常识丰富,教养良好。
13号 个性冷静谨慎,即使再细微的细节也能注意到。再加上本性诚实,能得到许多人的信赖。
14号 头脑清楚,好奇心旺盛,乐於追求快感,又行事冲动;不可思议的是运气总是很好,很少失败。
15号 意志力很强,立定目标後无论遇上任何挫折,都会排除万难达成。通常都很喜欢照顾别人。
16号 聪明□做事情有条理,不轻易受别人影响,做什麽都有自己的一套。
17号 平常看起来温和体贴,其实主观很强,有时候会出现大胆行动,让身边的人大吃一惊。
18号 性格非常极端,不是意志坚定勇往直前;就是感情用事随波逐流。
19号 想像力丰富,有个性又有才华。不过自尊心很强,而且有好强不服输的倾向。
20号 是个性喜和平的浪漫主义者 。运气虽然不错,但如太过任性,将会遇上意想不到的挫折。
21号 开朗快活,充满活力,到哪里都很有人气。是凡事都往好处想的乐天主义者。
22号 认真而且责任感很强,只要不刚愎自用,做生意成功的机率很大。
23号 挑战心旺盛,学什麽都能很快上手。问题是喜新厌旧,而且欠缺耐性。
24号 拥有敦厚慈爱的人品,所以即使个性神经质,遇到低潮时,身边的人都愿意伸出援手。
25号 看事情不求深入,随著好奇心行动,到处累积经验。个性独立。热爱自由。
26号 耐压力特强,即使肩头责任重大,也能够处理得稳稳当当,是个实行主义者。
27号 有个性□感情也丰富。拥有应付各种状况的机智,若能掌握时机,成为成功人士的机会很大。
28号 韧性很强,拥有战胜困难的力量。这天出生的女性,常给人一种妖□的印象。
29号 人生的道路似乎波折不断,容易感情用事不过运气和生命力都很强,必定能够成功,获得幸福。
30号 拥有语言文笔艺术等天分。 缺点是容易沈浸於逸乐,而缺乏责任感。
31号 诚实认真很清楚自己的人生目标,能依照自己的信念和原则过一辈子。但个性有些顽固。



- 心 很平静地跳 只是寂寞 潜伏像海啸 突然某一秒 偷袭我眼角
眼泪自己擦掉 我一个人很好-

Friday, May 15, 2009

- cake memories -

Made a few hours trip back to Kampar last weekend, for a part time job purpose. Felt so good coming back and I & my lovely sister bought something nice to eat at Kampar ...Yummmmy~

"Tiger cake?"(not sure for its real name :P)

LoOks familiar? For those who were used to take bus back Ipoh with me last time during Diploma, you might saw me bought& brought this all the way back to Ipoh for my family before :P No reason, for me it's looks simple but delicious! So far I tried this kind of roll cakes from several other shops too, but no any other cake shop better than this shop , Kam Loong cake house which located at Kampar old town, their "tiger cake" just soft and fresh :)~~~

All my sweet and bitter memories here come back clearly to me when I stepped on Kampar again. Needless to say, I miss Kampar as I had great time with friends in this lovely place :) Unconsciously, I left Kampar 2 years since after i done with my diploma,time fliessss huh..and i'm getting old and old here =.=

- our moments my memories, forever -

* Wish you all the best *

Thursday, May 14, 2009

- suiiiiiiii -

suiiiiii~my last weekend was the "sui" one, sibeh kao lat sui looo =.=

1st sui : My stability control is that bad!!! I fell down on the street. Ouch >.< (walk abit fast as the traffic light gonna turn to green in few more seconds, so fell down memang padan muka i =.= ) Luckily i was not fell down with my whole body, if not it gonna be a much painful & shameful one . Dahlah my leg had ugly enough already, now had another lil scar , so sad T.T

2nd sui : No access to network,this is what did appeared on my hp screen . So bad, my SIM card has damaged suddenly with no reason and it had tooks me few days to replace a new one. Thus , it made me lost 20 important and memorable save messages. Very very very geksummmmmmm... *Arghhhhh*

3rd sui : Followed by my hp battery, also went siao like the stupid SIM card.Fully charged yesterday night, No touch No music listen No SMS battery can almost went finish after a day. Don't know what the hell happen. * Arghhhh*

4th sui : After my hp battery , my earphone also went siao together, can only listen music with left side.......No choice, replaced a new one lo..*Arghhhh*

Brother suspected that my phone might have some internal problem and caused all this happened.Oh my dear 880, I knew i was bad enough by always saying that u're such a pariah phone, it was my fault.Here i make my apologize, and say i love you i sayang u ...

- muacksmuacksmuacks to 880, you don't merajuk again , okay?-

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

- 快乐周末 nice weekend -


我们依旧相聚在老地方,ebox,Ipoh。突然发现原来我们都没什么新意,哈哈,还是应该说我们很长情?我们去的那天刚好是正值装修,所以discount 20%,赚到了~可是啊可是,便宜通常都没什么好处的呐。。唱着唱着,我们大伙儿发现了有个不知名物体在电视机前游街!

alamak!!!!! is siu keong!!!


~Happy Birthday to my dear PeiLeng & WaiCher~

Align Left
友人的一句话提醒了我一个事实,大家都老了呵,明年过年大家就是26了。我的妈呀,日子怎么过得这么快,我的青春小鸟一去不回来~我什么都还没有起步,酱一下子就老了,怎么办?... T.T


- October babies Jess1016,Mun1014,Jane1012 & baby eeyore gathered in room after Leehom concert -


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

- 020509 , Music - Man live in Malaysia - you can see the tickets in the picture, I went for leehom music-man concert!It's excited to me as this was the 1st time i been to a concert.(ishhh,damn outdated me :P) By the way, credits to my dearie , Jess who was nice enough and brought me there, muackssss :*

We went there early an hours before the concert began.The place was bloody hot & bloody cramp!8.15pm, the concert began with Daniel lee's performances and followed by that Ms.Kay Kwok =.= About 8.30pm, fans packed the stadium and all went high together when Leehom appeared with his custom-made Bahamut electric guitar which costing US$25700 = RM96700,wowwww!We went abit high when he released his rock with some of his rock songs.But,the sound systems for the concert abit worst, musics too loud and it even had covered leehom's vocal =.=

- photo taken by using my very pariah handphone-

Our seats were far from the stage, yet I & Jess almost went fainted when leehom's showcased his skills on the piano and violin.The crowd (included me) singing along to his love songs, so nice the atmosphere. Even though i'm not his super fans,but my heart melted of all his love songs too,so sweet laaaaa...His songs makes me have the impulsion and felt like want to find someone to fall in love,hahaha...Obviously, i fa hiao, but it's just for a moment. LOL. *paiseh*

The other parts of the concert was great too. Conclusion, it was a great show! I enjoyed in the concert and it had been the remarkable and memorable day for me.(1st time went for concert mah...of course excited laa.... XD)

Next --> Fish leong's concert on 613!!I wish to go, it must be a happening one. BUT...

NO KAKI , NO Vitamin M $$$$$$!!! So....

Just forget about it loooo.File Closed =.=

你微笑就输了疲倦 千万不要说天长地久 免得你觉得我不切实际
想多么简单就多么简单 让我大声的对你说 I'm thinking of you - from *Leehom*-
